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Domico, T., and Newman, M. 1988. Giant Pandas: The Bamboo Bear. Pages 123-140. Bears of the World. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, New York.


This chapter provides a thorough description of what is considered to be China’s national treasure, the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleauca). Hunting expeditions of giant pandas soon began once Europe and America received specimens of giant pandas. This invasion caused giant pandas to move further east into the forest. Giant pandas are now categorized as an endangered species. The physical proportions of giant pandas resembles brown bears, but their fur colors differ. Unlike brown bears, giant pandas have opposable thumbs. This gives them the ability to grasp bamboo stalks, which makes up most of their diet. For nourishment, they crush bamboo stalks with their large molars. Forest conservation have been implemented to protect the giant panda species. This source is useful because it goes into depth about giant pandas’ ecology. It gives background information about the first sightings of giant pandas, which I found interesting. The information provided is reliable and unbiased. This source will help with the history and ecology and appearance portion of my research paper. Overall, my views on giant pandas were not affected.

Hong, Mingsheng. 2015. Comparison of microhabitat selection and trace abundance of giant

pandas between primary and secondary forests in Liziping Nature Reserve, China: effects

of selective logging. Pages 373-379. German Society of Mammalian Biology. Mammalian Biology. Elsevier B.V. Germany.


This journal article provides an outlook on the ongoing threats on the giant pandas’ habitat. In this article, researchers chose two different type of forests (primary and secondary) to see which one giant pandas occupied. Giant pandas live in the mountains with dense forest; therefore, it is hard to observe them. However, their feces is an effective way to see where giant pandas have been. When doing research on the pandas and the two different forests, there were many variables taken into consideration such as: tree height, amount of trees, elevation, etc… In conclusion, there were more giant pandas in the primary forest. This article is useful because shows the audience what type of forest giant pandas prefer. There are also charts and details on the different variables taken into consideration when choosing the primary and secondary forests. This article will help me in the habitat portion of my paper.

Hull, Vanessa. 2015. Space use by Endangered Giant Pandas. Pages 230-236. Journal of

Mammalogy 96.1. Oxford University Press, UK.


This peer-reviewed article depicts how space is used by giant pandas. With the use of GPS telemetry (which was banned until 2006), researchers were able to observe how giant pandas interact with one another within their environment. Researchers assembled a study area that expanded two thousand kilometers long, within the study area giant pandas remained distant with one another. Studies showed that out of a group of 16 giant pandas, only three pandas overlapped each other’s space. The results gave insight to the species solitary behavior. This source is useful because it gives a thorough research on how space is used by giant pandas. What I found interesting is how the researchers used the GPS telemetry to observe giant pandas. This source is reliable and informative, it gives me insight on giant pandas’ behavior, sociality, and how they interact with humans.

Lindburg, Don, and Baragona, Karen. 2004. Giant Pandas. University of California Press

Berkeley, US.


In this scientific book, Lindburg and Baragona depicts the evolution of giant pandas and various ways to conserve the endangered species and their habitat. Scientists were able to collect information about giant pandas and its habitat through observation. Unfortunately due to modern civilization, the species and bamboo forests declined-causing it to become one of the most endangered species in the world. The decline in giant pandas and bamboo forest resulted in many forest conservation plans in China. The information in this source is reliable and useful. The authors used different sources to back up their findings and thoughts on giant pandas. The various observations on giant pandas would help me in history and sociality of pandas.

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Scientific writing (BIO-2303) was the foundation for all my lab reports and research papers. In this course, I learned how to correctly create an annotated bibliography. These sources below provided numerous information for my research paper about pandas. 

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