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BIO-4176: LDH Activity in Chicken

The overall goal of this experiment was to effectively extract LDH enzyme activity in various chicken tissue through several steps of protein purification. Protein purification was achieved through many biochemical techniques such as protein extraction, desalting, affinity chromatography and BCA assay analysis. Enzymatic activity of LDH was interpreted using Michaelis-Menten graphs and Lineweaver-Burk plots. Protein concentrations were easily distinguished between the chicken heart, thigh and breast. Data analysis showed that the chicken heart had the highest amount of protein concentration in the desalted sample, whereas the chicken thigh had the highest amount of protein concentration in the affinity 14A sample. We can conclude that among the three samples, the chicken breast had the highest LDH activity and protein concentration.

BIO-3232: Biochemical Tests of Escherichia coli

The purpose of the labs were to determine the biochemical characteristics of Escherichia coli. Biochemical tests such as a catalase test, citrate test, litmus milk test, Sulfide Indole Motility (SIM) medium, and urease test were performed to determine the characteristics of the bacteria. The results indicated that E. coli  produces enzyme catalases, has an acid reaction, negative in both sulfur and indole reduction, and is absent in urea.

BIO-3232: Unknown Bacteria #65

The purpose of this experiment was to identify unknown bacteria #65. The experiments combined streak plate method, differential and selective media. Pure colonies were formed to determine the identity of Unknown #65. The bacteria was streaked onto four differential and selective media. The bacteria was also inoculated into litmus milk, phenol red sucrose broth, and phenol red lactose broth. The identification of Unknown #65 was Staphylococcus aureus.

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Conducting different experiments throughout the years and recording information in  lab notebooks were crucial for writing lab reports. I was able to refer back to the lab notebook as needed. As part of our final for BIO-4176, we had to compile all of our experiments into a manuscript. It was a great learning opportunity and now I have the skills necessary to create a manuscript. 

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