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Dr. William Booth

Dr. Booth stressed the importance of planning ahead for the future and believing in yourself. He provided background on how he became interested in biosynthesis. Also, he was able to determine the structures of Streptococcus pyogenes.

Mrs. Jilleon F. Inman, RN

Mrs. Inman at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center presented safety concerns regarding the use of heparin on pediatric patients. She reiterated the importance of checking vial concentrations and stop sign stickers on 'look alike-sound alike' drugs. 

Mr. Forrest Foster

Mr. Foster provided the class with tips and tricks on how to create an e-portfolio for graduation. He helped the class navigate through several websites and programs that were very beneficial. 

Dr. Singh & Mr. Justin Campbell

On scholarship day, Dr. Singh's investigation and research student, Justin Campbell presented his poster which focused on the use of black walnut pulp extraction as a dye for histological staining. He concluded that the pulp extraction was too harsh for the connective tissue slides.

Dr. Spencer Bell

Dr. Bell spoke to the class about his path in becoming a scientist for Wake Forest University. He encouraged the class to overlook the work involved with graduate school, and to look at our overall goal. His research focuses mainly on brain stimulation and cognitive design. 

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